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Giornate Fitopatologiche 1984

Sorrento 26-29 marzo 1984

Rilievi sulle modalità  di applicazione di fungicidi sistemici contro la peronospora della vite

Capitolo “Lotta contro le crittogame” - volume primo - pag. 35-44

Autori: G. Bozzano, A. Garibaldi, M.L Gullino

The persistence, curative and eradicative activities of several systemic fungicides, used in combination with preventive products, have been tested against downy mildew of grape (Plasmopara viticola).In trials carried out in an experimental vineyard, by using mist and artificial inoculation, matalaxyl and oxadixyl, a new acylalanine, showed a very high curative activity, even when used 120 hours after the inoculation. Benalaxyl, ofurace and cymoxanil presented a high curative activity when used within 72 hours from the inoculation, while, when sprayed at longer intervals, their curative action was only partial.
Metalaxyl and oxadixyl and, at a slightly lower level, ofurace, showed excellent activity when sprayed at 15 day intervals. Cymoxanil gave only partial control when interval between treatments was longer than 10 days.
The eradicative activity of the different compounds was evaluated in two vineyards showing initial symptoms of downy mildew: oxadixyl, metalaxyl and ofurace gave, in the order, very good results; cymoxanil, benalaxyl and phosethyl Al on the contrary showed a very low eradicative activity.

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